Becoming Multi-Orgasmic ... A How-To Guide
Are multiple orgasms really a thing? Like seriously, are they? That’s what I asked myself a few years back. And then I went on a quest to experience the elusive ‘multiple orgasm’ myself. Because hey, if everyone else was having them, why couldn’t I?
Safe to say, I got there. And I got more than what I asked for. Multiple full body energetic orgasms. Full blown ecstasy. Like seriously, next level stuff.
So knowing what I know, and having experienced what I’ve experienced, here’s a few hot tips and a broader insight into the world of the ‘Big O’.
#1 Let go of expectations
Let go of the expectation to 'have' an orgasm. That's right, the more you HAVE to have an orgasm and the more you chase that dream, the further away you will be to it happening (sounds strange but trust me, it’s true). Orgasmic energy is within us ALL, all the time. We are all multi-orgasmic beings (yes, even you, I promise). But if you just focus on the end goal of a big bang orgasm, it takes away from the epic orgasmic energy you can experience in the space in between.
#2 Reframe your idea of orgasm
Let me explain. Orgasm does not have to be a one-time big bang event. Zoom out and think of it as orgasmic energy - the energy you feel when you're turned on that begins stirring in your sex centre (aka genitals), that's your orgasmic energy stirring! That energy, when we tap into it, can move through our body all day, and throughout an entire sexual experience. So when we stop thinking of orgasm as a one-time event, we open ourselves up to an endless supply of pleasure.
#3 Breathe
It might sound simple, and it is, however lots of us tend to hold our breath and tense up when we want to experience orgasm, and this is the worst thing we can do (especially when we’re overthinking during sex). Let go, breathe, relax. Use your breath and visualise your orgasmic energy moving up from your genitals and throughout your entire body. Practicing this will lead to full body orgasms.
#4 Self pleasure/masturbate
This is in fact one of the first steps. Once we master orgasm and the experience of orgasmic energy on our own, and we're confident that our body is capable of it, then we can take that confidence into experiences with our lovers.
#5 Learn about & practice edging
Edging is an amazing technique that is simple to practice and can have a huge impact on the way we experience orgasm. In a nutshell, we can learn to 'edge' our way to orgasm, but then back off when we’re close, and slow down the process midway through. This technique is what leads to full body orgasmic waves and multiple orgasms.
#6 Lay off the heavy clit stimulation
I know some of you may cringe when I say this but I promise you if you're addicted to your clit (which I most definitely was), having a break will increase your likelihood of multiple orgasms. Using vibrators is also a big no no ... the high vibration desensitises us and we can become numb in our genitals. Use a hand or tongue instead, or use The Juliet Pleasure Wand both externally and internally and you'll find your experience of pleasure will transform and expand.