Exploring Sexual Fantasies


What are you dirty daydreaming about?

Sexual fantasies are a normal and natural part of life and acknowledging our fantasies is a great way to explore our inner world and our sexual essence.

When we explore our sexual fantasies, we access the sexual energy they possess, which can feel like a powerful and potent step in our sexual evolution.

Our mind is powerful, creative and curious and for most of us, it has the ability to run wild (at least at some stage in our lives) with all sorts of sexual scenarios. Orgies. Anal. Sex in very unusual places. Sex with unsuspecting people - the neighbour, the priest, our 3rd grade teacher, our best friend ... the list goes on, and on.

Here’s the thing: it’s okay and completely normal to let our minds run wild in this way! It’s okay to explore this personal and unique part of ourselves that only we can explore.

When doing so however, know that some fantasies may challenge our boundaries or activate our shame. The good news is that when we acknowledge our fantasies we bring them out of the shadow and into the light. This is important because when we suppress our fantasies and refuse to acknowledge them, they become even more powerful … they become unconscious fantasies.

Many of us think think that if we even THINK about having sex with a forbidden person, we will act on it. This is not true. Do we have to turn our fantasies into reality? No, not at all. We can, but we don’t HAVE to, and more often than not, we don’t. Do we have to share our fantasies with others - our lover, partner or friend? No, not at all.

It’s completely up to us - there’s no rule book about what we do and don’t have to share about the inner workings of our mind. Sometimes it can be a huge turn on to share fantasies in a safe environment, but it’s up to you to feel into if sharing feels right for you.

And if your sexual fantasies challenge you? Or you feel like you need to talk to someone about them but don’t know how? Find some support - coaching, therapy, a friend ... whatever feels right for you. Keep talking about it — fantasies are often a powerful doorway into discovering many aspects of ourselves and our psyche that are unconscious. When we make them conscious, we increase our decision making power over them, which can feel liberating!


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