The Secret to Magnetic Sex Appeal


Here’s the thing, there’s a big difference between trying to ‘look’ sexy and actually FEELING sexy.

Let’s face it, it’s easy to drop a load of $$ on all the added extras to look sexy - the clothing, makeup, botox, lashes, makeup, body alterations, tan etc… we’ve all done it, right? But none of that changes how we feel deep down … DEEP DOWN in our core … deep down where it matters.

You see sex appeal - deeply authentic and magnetic sex appeal - is a work of art. It’s something I believe takes time to cultivate and it comes from within…

An open, tender, loving heart.

An authentic smile and laugh.

A woman who is truly happy in solitude.

A woman who doesn’t feel she needs anyone to ‘complete her’. But at the same time isn’t afraid to open her heart to love, even when it feels scary.

A woman who is comfortable naked.

A woman who invests in herself in holistic ways - seeking mentors and guides to learn from and grow.

A woman who avoids blaming, shaming & taming her partner , instead choosing to reflect on what the reflection is, and how she can learn and grow from the relationship.

A woman who allows herself to soften into vulnerability and feminine flow, whilst also allowing her inner masculine to hold her in moments where she feels challenged and alone.

There’s something truly magnetic about women who embrace ALL that they are. Some really god damn sexy that comes from WITHIN.

So no need to stop the fun ‘added extras’, however remember no matter how much time and $$ you spend on ‘looking’ a certain way, nothing will truly shift and evolve if you don’t prioritise time and $$ working on what matters most - what’s inside.