Masturbate Together, Forever


Mutual masturbation, AKA self-pleasuring in front of each other, is quite possibly one of the hottest things that a couple can do together (IMO). Unfortunately though, not may couples actually go there. Which is why you’re reading this, and I’m writing this. I’m here to give you plenty of hot tips on how to enjoy mutual masturbation with your lover regularly, starting today.

#1. Begin enjoying lots of solo self-pleasure.

Let’s be honest, there is no way in hell that you are going to enjoy masturbating in front of (or alongside) a lover if you don’t enjoy doing it by yourself. So masturbating alone is a really great place to begin. Prioritise sex with … YOURSELF. Yes, you. Get to know your body, your turn ons, your pleasure zones … anything and everything that TURNS YOU THE HELL ON.

GO THERE. I mean truly GO THERE. Don’t hold back. Think whatever you want to think. Feel whatever you feel. Do whatever you want to do to feel deep pleasure. It’s important you explore it all by yourself, and really get to know yourself in this way. The reason being, when you take the next step and maz in front of a lover, you will likely feel more confident and comfortable in their presence and eyes on you.

#2. Invite your lover to join you.

Okay so you’ve got this great idea, and read this great article by a fab sexologist (that’s me lol), and now you’re ready to take the plunge and experience it. This is when you can open up the conversation with your lover/partner about your desire to self-pleasure in front of them (while they self-pleasure in front of you). Or alternatively, if one or both of you aren’t ready for that, step one can be that one of you self-pleasures, while the other one simply watches (also VERY hot).

It’s important to note that here’s no right and wrong way to do this, YOU DO YOU. Chat about it (your partner may even want to go away and think about it, which is also okay), and then try it out. Simple as that.

And remember if your lover isn’t ready to take this step, that’s okay too. It’s not for everyone, and guilt-tripping or pressuring someone to do it will not end well.

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