Sex & Money


It’s no surprise that both the topic of sex and money still hold so much taboo and are surrounded with a whole heap of stigma and shame that gets in the way of us giving ourselves PERMISSION to experience lots of BOTH in our life.

My personal belief is that the real ‘TANTRIC WAY’ embraces it ALL - abundant sex AND abundant cash flow. And so, living a ‘Tantric life’ is about breaking through the shame, guilt and unworthiness associated with sex and money, and stepping into a life that creates abundance on all levels! Because let’s face it, abundant money and conscious sex has the potential to bring an abundance of freedom and joy.

Personally, it has been a huge journey for me to face the shame associate with being a highly sexual woman, plus deal with the unworthiness associated with wanting abundant cash flow. But I’ve noticed that there’s a HUGE link between the two and, when the blockages are cleared, both flow with more ease and abundance!

It’s a lifelong journey too ... I continue to work on clearing ‘stuff’ (limiting beliefs etc) that unconsciously get in the way of me experiencing abundant sex AND abundant cash flow on a daily basis ... I believe this is where the power lies as a mother, lover, friend and practitioner.

So, next time you have a thought of “Am I too sexual?” or “I’m not worthy of being paid for my time and expertise”, catch yourself and ask yourself WHY? Who told you you can’t have it ALL? Perhaps it’s time to do the real TANTRIC work and dive deep into what’s holding you back, because reality is, the only one who is suffering and limiting their capacity for freedom and joy is YOU.


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