Sex With The One You Love


Pleasuring your partner and making them cum is often a satisfying, fulfilling and powerful experience. Knowing that they enjoy how you touch them and turn them is often easy and comfortable.  Giving pleasure to another is a beautiful part of life.  

But what if you're always giving and deep down you want to learn how to receive pleasure?

What if you're not feeling fullfilled with your own pleasure and ability to reach orgasm?

Pleasuring yourself and experiencing orgasm solo isn't always an easy gig. Many people are faking orgasms to 'make their partner happy', or just not experiencing orgasm at all and feeling empty, questioning themselves if 'something is wrong'.  

If this sounds like you, you're not alone.  Betty Dodson (Better Orgasms, Better World) has written an amazing article titled FIRST TIME ORGASM 

I recommend reading it and beginning your journey to orgasm with self-discovery and self-love.  When you can pleasure yourself and discover what feels good for you, then your relationship with others will blossom and you will enjoy receiving and sharing that pleasure with your partner.



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